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Vocational & Technical Schools

Türk İş Merkezi ( Turkish Business Center) is the first and only contracted company, Who has been permitted by the Ministry of Education of Turkey for recruiting international students to vocational training programs.



Study in Turkey

Vocational and Proficiency Training Courses in Public Vocational High Schools:

Turkish Business Center and TR The Ministry of National Education signed a protocol within the scope of ‘Lifelong Learning’ courses.

With this protocol, the Turkish Business Center can work with 3500 Vocational and Technical schools in 81 provinces affiliated to the TR Ministry of National Education.

466 kinds of vocational and Technical Education Courses are provided for foreign students in Turkey

At the end of the training, students can continue to further education or work programs in different countries.










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Electric & Electronic Technology

9 Months Vocational Training
9 Months Accommodation
12 Months Healt Insurance
12 Months Resident Permit

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Furniture Interior Design

7 Months Vocational Training
7 Months Accommodation
10 Months Healt Insurance
10 Months Resident Permit

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Information Technologies 

9 Months Vocational Training
9 Months Accommodation
12 Months Healt Insurance
12 Months Resident Permit

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Machine Technology

9 Months Vocational Training
9 Months Accommodation
12 Months Healt Insurance
12 Months Resident Permit

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15 JULY 2023

Motor Vehicle Technology

9 Months Vocational Training
9 Months Accommodation
12 Months Healt Insurance
12 Months Resident Permit

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15 AUGUST 2023

Metal Technology

8 Months Vocational Training
8 Months Accommodation
10 Months Healt Insurance
10 Months Resident Permit

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Installation Technology

10 Months Vocational Training
10 Months Accommodation
12 Months Healt Insurance
12 Months Resident Permit

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%100 Visa


No Interwiew

 Part time job available

12 Months Resident Permit

Eligibility : SLC pass can apply

What is Vocational Education?

“Vocation education and training” is defined as “training for a specific occupation through a combination of practical experience and theoretical training”. Career colleges are instrumental in providing further education through VET courses.

The importance of vocational training for career development

When it comes to finding a job and encouraging emerging professionals to excel in their new career path, making sure that graduates have the skills they need for the position plays an essential role. Students who do not have the necessary skills will quickly find themselves struggling in their new position. They may start to lose confidence and feel unsure about what to do. The businesses that hire them will also feel frustrated as they lose money and time. They find themselves training new employees who do not have the insight and practical knowledge they need to do what they were hired to do.

“Vocational education and training, allows students to gain practical experience in their chosen career path before they even graduate.”

Students who finish those rigorous programs, have the credentials and training they need to get started right away in their chosen career path.

Not only do the students feel confident in their abilities, but the employers themselves know that they have made a solid choice in their new hire and can count on them to begin excelling in the position quickly.

The importance of vocational training for career development

For those interested in the benefits of vocational education for job training and career preparation, here are some of the key positives for both students and employers with this type of career-preparation path.

How is Vocational Education Beneficial?

  • Vocational Education helps people in the better performance of their jobs as they acquire a great learning experience. Working professionals get a chance to hone their skills while making money.
  • Vocational education and training is a sort of introduction as it gets employees ready for the workplace which comes in handy while performing various tasks.
  • Due to the nature of the skills it imparts, a student doesn’t consider it a futility as compared to academic education.
  • Vocational Education as the term itself denotes the students are specialised and therefore they have more chances of employment as compared to others.
  • Many students who are in a dilemma whether they should attend college or not, Vocational education really opens a completely new door.
  • It makes an individual a responsible and independent whereas those who study regular courses lack in this sphere.
  • The career of one’s own choice is one of the major benefits of this education. A vast majority of people are caught in the wrong jobs because they were in it for the sake of job, money, lack of alternative and professional compromise whereas an individual pursuing Vocational Education is already pursuing his dream job.
  • This type of education is a great asset to the economy. Our government need not import foreign technicians on higher wages as our own can do the required work. 
  • Certain vocational skills acquired from Vocational Education teaches students the importance of manual work. The physical labour done under certain jobs makes them strong, healthy, active.
  • Majority of Vocational Skills are applicable all over the world and these create employment opportunities in foreign countries.
  • Technical programs develop the economy by bridging the demand and supply gap with highly skilled workers. It also gives students the opportunity to take marketable skills from the classroom directly into the working world.
  • Better Vocational Education also attracts foreign investment and foreign exchange in form of foreign conglomerate and foreign students.
  • School drop-outs and adults can also receive this type of education as it provides an opportunity to learn a skill or trade. There are many well-paid career fields in which a college degree is not required.
  • Another benefit is that Hands-on work activities allow direct application of acquired knowledge.
  • This education provides stable jobs as these are the jobs whose demand is never fulfilled.

Choose your course

Importance of Vocational Education

Vocational Education refers to a system or course of study which prepares individuals for jobs that are based on manual or practical activities. Vocational Education is traditionally non-academic in nature and is totally related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation. Because it is Vocation based, it is called Vocational Education. Until recently i.e until the end of the twentieth century, the aim of vocational education was to focus on specific trades such as automobile mechanic or welder and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. Because of this, it attracted a level of stigma. Vocational education, in fact, is closely related to the age-old apprenticeship system of learning.

But with the development of economies worldwide, the labour market became more specialized. The demand for higher levels of skill both in government and business sector started increasing. This lead to the further development of vocational education through publicly funded training organizations and subsidized apprenticeship or traineeship initiatives for businesses. At the post-secondary level vocational education is typically provided by an institute of technology, or by a local community college. Vocational education has also diversified over the 20th century. Demand for Vocational Professionals is required more than ever in various industries such as retail, tourism, information technology, funeral services and cosmetics, as well as in the traditional crafts and cottage industries.

Vocational education prepares an individual for a job and not college. While most colleges will accept vocational education students, they tend to be limited because most colleges lack proper courses. Vocational education is a multifaceted one as it tends to focus around several careers which include auto repair, woodworking, carpentry, blacksmith, cosmetology, and other fields. There are many vocational schools across the country which provide the students to gain valuable hands-on experience.

Skill development and employability

Vocational learning opportunities play a critical role in skill development and employability. The importance of vocational development can largely be summed up as the difference between theoretical knowledge vs. practical skills. In non-vocational studies, students often spend hours of their time exploring a variety of different subjects. Their class time tends to be only a few hours per week, as they will spend many hours in the library and on computers conducting research and writing papers that help them continue to build their theoretical knowledge in a variety of fields.

Even within their chosen discipline, they often spend a significant amount of time exploring theory, ideas, and procedures used by other professionals in the industry. They have significantly fewer opportunities to actually put these ideas to work compared to students going through a vocational education situation. The skills for work and vocational pathways are significantly limited for these students, as their theoretical knowledge does not have the work experience that helps them transition from a classroom study topic into their actual profession. This can sometimes cause challenges when the students graduate and transition into the working world.

However, for students in a vocational education and training setting, this situation gets corrected. Students spend hours in the practical workshops each week learning hands-on practical skills related to their chosen field. Class time tends to increase in these schools, compared to their outside research time, because students spend more time exploring actual work opportunities that prepare them for their future jobs. They do not focus as much time on researching the theoretical as learning the practical.

Students also have courses that will walk them through chances to use the highly specialized equipment and spaces that they need to do their jobs well. Rather than simply learning about this type of equipment or how it might be useful in the job, they actually have the chance to try out their own skills while still in school. When the time comes for them to transition to an actual job, they have the experience they need to begin the job right away. They will not have to spend time learning how to physically operate the equipment on the job, allowing them to become a valuable employee and build a career faster.

The value of graduating with work skills

When employers look for new employees to join their institution, they know that they want to find someone who has the skills to do the job well and can adapt quickly to the work environment. Businesses spend a significant amount of money trying to onboard new employees, as they must go through a training process and anticipate that there will be a learning curve for the employee on a new job.

Vocational schools help with bridging the skills gap between work and education.

Students do not enter the work field with little practical experience regarding the tools and environments in which they will work. Instead, they have specifically worked in these situations throughout their education under the supervision of their trainers. This creates a more favorable employability skills assessment. Potential employers can look at the academic record of these students and know the type of skills they will already have when they first enter the building. This effect can be leveraged even more, when a training institution is applying a competency based training approach that is mapped with the industry’s needs.

For those interested in learning how to enhance employability skills, therefore, the first solution should lie in vocational learning opportunities. These skills can help students learn the techniques and strategies that they specifically need for this area of work and ensure that they are prepared to succeed. Employers can feel confident that the candidates they receive from a quality school already have the experience and training they need to begin work right away.

Finding a job following graduation

Many graduates struggle to find employment immediately following graduation. It can be a stressful time for many students, trying to balance their last few months of studies as they begin to submit applications and search for positions in their chosen field of work. For students who have graduated from a vocational training school, however, this situation can go a bit differently. They have the experience to list on their resume and employers know they have a significant portion of the training they need. Often they even have started building a professional network through their job placements and internships they could potentially leverage. This helps to open doors to new possibilities.

Graduates often want to know how they can enhance their employability opportunities. The answer lies in gaining the work experience that employers want to see. Bringing this experience can make it significantly easier to find a job. Experience gives employers more insight into how a candidate will perform on the job and how many resources will need to be dedicated to training a new hire for the job. For vocational students, these work experiences become part of the curriculum.

Throughout the studies, students gain hands-on opportunities through internships and practical learning opportunities. Completing real work projects, as they do in a variety of classes, helps students build employable resumes before they even graduate.

Building strong networks for students before graduating

In nearly any industry, the importance of a strong network can play a direct role in finding a job and building a successful career. Connections and relationships can help people find new jobs, learn about new opportunities, and have chances to continue their education and build more career-based skills.

Through a vocation-based education, students have an excellent opportunity to build a strong network that will enhance their learning experience and the rest of their professional careers. With a vocation-based training program, students work more closely with their fellow students and their trainers on their coursework. Since less time is spent independently researching and writing papers and more time is spent in class working on projects and learning practical skills, students naturally develop better and closer relationships with their classmates. Their fellow students transition from being people they simply sit next to in the lecture hall into partners with whom they work during projects and internships.

Similarly, students have more opportunities to get to know their professors. With skills-based training, students work more directly with their trainers. The hands-on opportunities they have to work during their coursework let them complete projects, engage with work tasks, and learn specialized techniques under the direct supervision of the trainer. Trainers are there to provide support and students have opportunities to speak with them and engage with more one-to-one time. This builds relationships and can help students find professional mentors for the transition to the business world. Through internship opportunities, students expand this relationship horizon into the work world, even before graduation.

Altogether, this type of practical classroom experience helps those learning in a vocational training program develop a strong professional network that will benefit them throughout their entire professional career. They will have people who can provide them with insight and guidance as they build a career and find the jobs they want.

Students experience economic benefits

Students who go through vocation-based schooling also have the chance to receive a variety of different economic benefits from their education.

Most importantly, they often do not have to spend as much on their schooling while still receiving an education that prepares them exceptionally well for their field. Vocational schools often have fewer years required to earn the degree of certification and often cost less in tuition each year as well.

Additionally, students who graduate from specialized programs like this can enter their career path faster. Employers know that they already have work experience and training related to their field, which makes it easier to transition into the desired role and takes less of a toll on the business working to onboard them. Students can accept more specialized jobs and earn the applicable salary as well. This combines to create a strong economic opportunity for graduates from vocational programs. Vocational graduates also tend to have a good toolset to raise through the ranks rapidly as they know the trade inside out. Another financial aspect is “earn as you learn” that many vocational training paths offer. Here students have the ability to earn some money and hence reduce the financial impact of their studies through paid internships as part of some curricula.

When it comes to educating students, the importance of building skills-based education cannot be underestimated. Students who attend schools that specialize in teaching them skills that they need to excel in a particular field will find that they finish school well-prepared to enter their chosen field. They gain on-site work experience throughout their education so the transition to the working world is minimal, helping them professionally and financially. The businesses who hire them know that they can count on their new employees to get started immediately in the field and work with a high level of independence and competency, creating a favorable experience for everyone involved.

Those interested in pursuing a vocational pathway for their education and a career in one of the many exciting trade areas these types of schools serve should carefully consider if the benefits described here will help them in their chosen field. 

Visa Process

What do you need to enroll in Vocational and Technical school?

Application conditions

  • Copy of Passport
  • Verified Academic Certificates
  • Student Commitment Letter
    (Commitment Form will be provided by Turkiss Business Center)
  • Must Speak Medium Level of English
  • Must be Less than 27 years old
  • Must have completed Minimum School Level (10 years of education)

How to apply ?

All students are able to register via our representatives (in your country)

When can I Register?

We are opening diffirent type vocational courses every month of the year. Thats why you can register anytime

Choose your course

Necesseary Documents for the Visa

When you are accepted to Vocational School you will receive an acceptance letter with which you can apply for a Visa in your Country.
Please keep in mind that visa application procedures take a long time and plan your application accordingly.

Applying for a visa in your country

International students will need to check carefully whether they need a visa to enter Turkey.
A Visa is a document necessary for entering the country and must be applied for prior to departure.
It is a sticker in your passport issued by a Turkish Embassy or Consulate.

Which documents you need ?

  1. Visa Application Form (Turkish Embassy)
  2. Copy of Passport with the validity of at least 1 year
  3. 4 copies of Passport Size 2X2 inch (5X5 cm)
    (Photograph with white background)
  4. Verified Academic Certificates
  5. Criminal Reports and Photocopy
  6. Medical Certificate
  7. Bank Certificate (Bank Statement)
  8. Original copy of Admission Letter from State School

10 Reasons to Study in Turkey


Turkey is the second country in the world in access to higher education with 94.2% schooling rate. Turkey involved in European Higher Education Area is implementing the Bologna Process in a perfect way; our Bologna report is 5 out of 5. So, the diploma you receive from a university in Turkey is recognized in all European countries! As course credit system, ECTS is applied in accordance with Europe and all students are given Diploma Supplement. In addition, Turkey is one of the most successful countries participating in the exchange programs under Erasmus +. In addition to Erasmus, there are many exchange programs in Turkey, such as Mevlana, Farabi, which support the mobility of students and lecturers.

2. University And Program Diversity

There are 207 universities in Turkey with a population of 82 Million. The number of students is close to 8 million. With this number of students, Turkey is the first country with the most students in European Higher Education Area. There are nearly 60.000 different programs at 207 universities. In such a variety, you will definitely find a university and program for yourself.

3. Multicultural Life

Turkey, which has hosted many deep-rooted civilizations in its territory for thousands of years, is almost a mosaic of cultures! In this country where countless civilizations have been hosted, everyone is tolerant and respectful to each other. Turkey, where you can find a piece of your roots and perhaps can meet people who speak your language is ideal for students with its safe and peaceful environment.

4. Natural Beauties

Turkey, which experiences four seasons, has a reputation for its natural beauties all over the world. You can enjoy swimming and water sports in the seas that surround Turkey, you can ski in many cities in the mountains, you can enjoy rafting in the rivers and experience many extreme sports. You will feel as in the heaven in Turkey where countless beauties which shall only fascinate you with their landscape!

5. Historical and Cultural Heritage

Based on a long history, there are thousands of historical and cultural monuments in Turkey, many of which are protected as UNESCO Cultural Heritage. Even in your daily life, you will want to keep track of the traces you may encounter frequently!

6. Student Friendly

With at least one university in every city, Turkey is exactly a student-friendly country! Social clubs, sports teams and cultural events at every university bring together students and?make distant geographies close. When you arrive in Turkey you will understand that the most active points of the city are the places where students socialize! Thanks to the cafes, restaurants and libraries where the students hang out, the cities live 24 hours a day.

7. Hospitable Turkish People

The hospitality of Turkish people has been legendary all over the world! As a student, if you ask for help, people will do their utmost with all sincerity and friendliness. Turks will welcome you as guests and have many treats to satisfy you. Be sure you won’t be miss your home here!

8. Modern Technological Campuses  

No matter which one of the 207 universities you go, you will experience a modern and convenient campus life, equipped with the latest technology.

9. Easy Living Conditions 

Life in Turkey is more affordable than most countries. You can meet your needs, such as accommodation, food and drink, and entertainment at?affordable prices. You can stay at the dormitories within or near the University campuses, or rent a house for a reasonable lease. In addition, whichever transportation you choose as a student, you will receive a ticket at a discounted price, or watch the movie in the cinema at cheaper.

Turkey is also an easy to reach country because it is in the middle Asia and Europe continents. Whichever way you choose to discover Turkey, which hosts countless places of attraction, you can arrive where you want quickly and comfortably.

10. Turkish Learning Opportunities

Several programs in Universities in Turkey are in English. Besides you can also learn Turkish, the 5th most spoken language in the world! You can get a chance to learn a new language in Turkish courses that your University will offer you, and you can be friends with people from many different cultures.

We are inviting you to Turkiye for your future

We are inviting for your future…


Turkish Higher Education System

In 1981, in accordance with the new Higher Education Law (No. 2547), the administration of higher education in Turkey was comprehensively restructured. The system thereby became centralized, with all higher education institutions tied to the Council of Higher Education (CoHE). After this restructuring, all institutions of higher education were designed as universities. Expansion of higher education throughout the country was achieved, application to higher education was centralized, and a central university exam and placement were introduced. In addition to public universities, the first nonprofit foundation university in Turkey started to provide education for students in 1986.

Since 2012, compulsory education in Turkey lasts 12 years and is divided in three stages (primary education, elemantary education and secondary education).

Pre-primary School Education: It involves the education of children in the age group of 3 to 5 who have not reached the age of compulsory primary education, on an optional basis.

Primary Education: It involves the education and training of children in the age group of 6 to 10. Primary education is compulsory for all citizens. It is free at the State schools and lasts four years (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades).

Elemantary Education: It involves the education and training of children in the age group of 10 to 14. Elemantary education is compulsory for all citizens. It is free at the State schools and lasts four years (5th, 6th, 7nd, 8th grades). Towards the end of the elemantary school, pupils are given information about both general, vocational and technical high schools and the kinds of employment they prepare for.

Secondary Education: It comprises high schools of a general or vocational and/or technical character giving four-year courses aiming children at the age of 14 to 17 (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grades). Secondary education is compulsory for all citizens and is free at the State schools.

Higher Education: After graduating from high school, students can enroll in higher education, which is compatible with the Bologna three-cycle system.

Register Now


 1 – Choose a Program and University

You can continue your education in Turkish, English or other languages at the universities, where high-quality education is given at a global level, and work in Turkey to develop your career. You can decide on a program according to your criteria by using the “Study Finder” search tool and choose a university to continue your education.

 2 – Learn About Scholarshıps and Financing 

If you want a scholarship to study in Turkey, you have many different options. However, keep in mind that the opportunities and rewards offered by the institutions granting scholarships vary. You can find out more about the available scholarships on the official website of your selected university.

 3 – Prepare Your Application Documents 

After choosing a university, all you have to do is to collect the required application documents. These documents may vary by university and program because universities determine their own conditions in the admission of international students. Please check the introductory page of your selected university to learn more about the required documents.

 4 – Check Examination Requirements

You may need to meet requirements such as a university entrance exam, language score or skill test in order to be admitted to the program you chose to study in Turkey. In addition to the internationally recognized exams, universities may require you to submit the scores of the exams you took in your country or the scores of the exams carried out by your selected university. Check the detailed program page for the requirements.

 5 – Apply For Student Visa

Before coming to study in Turkey, you need to get a student visa from the nearest Consulate of the Republic of Turkey. Student visa procedures can take time and therefore it is important that you apply for a student visa as soon as you are admitted to your selected university.

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